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# Deufel Daciana | [21 Aug 2007] cleopatra Cleopatra, esti un copil precoce, foarte talentat, parintii tai pot fii foarte mindri de tine. Multe salutari din Germania. Ne-ar place si noua tare mult, sa apara videoclipurile tale si aici. O fetita de 8 ani a cintat in Germania un cintec Schnapy si a avut foarte mult succes, dar atunci tu, care cinti atit de frumos si esti o dulce, ai sparge topurile, sintem convinsi. Numai bine din partea romanilor de peste hotare. # geany | [06 Aug 2007] e super draguata la varsta ei canta super tare.in spania a fost difuzata pe posturile spanie ca cea mai buna cantareata cu cele mai multe albume vandute.am o nepotica de 2 ani care ii fredoneaza cantecele.e super frumoasa cleopatra mult suces pe mai departe si parinti ei sunt foarte mandri ca au asa o fetita cu siguranta.te sustinem cleopatra chiar daca nu suntem in tara.mult succes # LML | [04 Aug 2007] Cleopatra Cintecul ca si videoclipul - foarte slabut! Numai Cleo face toti banii cu siguranta de care de dovada in fata camerei de filmat. In rest ... geamantanul ala rosu ar trebui sa dispara... Pt. Cleopatra numai success si pupici! # ioana | [31 Iul 2007] esti tare cleopatra esti tare vino la azuga la concerte te rog ca-mi placi si tu si taica tu te pup din azuga sunt # ionela | [16 Iul 2007] felicitari esti o dulceata,succes in viata # eny | [25 Iun 2007] cleopatra e o dulceata fatuca asta,o iubesc zau daca nu. # ionela | [25 Iun 2007] cleopatra E o scumpete si cred ca-i voi cumpara albumul pt fiica mea # Daniela | [24 Iun 2007] Urari Daniela (mama), Ilaria(6ani), Noemi(2 ani).Te-am ascultat azi pentru prima data.Esti extraordinara.Te ascultam din Italia. Imi pare rau ca fetele nu inteleg limba dar am sa le invat. Sa fi fericita. # Monica | [24 Iun 2007] Felicitari! Felicitari Cleopatra!Esti extraordinara!Esti un fenomen!Succes in continuare! # adriana | [24 Iun 2007] pntru cleopatra canti foarte bine la ani tai si sper sa ai mult succes # Beatrice | [24 Iun 2007] Cleopatra Stratan Am uitat sa scriu in primul mesaj baiatul meu Alexandru nu mai muzica lui Stratan o asculta mereu. # Beatrice | [24 Iun 2007] Cleopatra Stratan sa le traiasca si sa se bucure de ea. si eu sunt mama unui baiat de 4 ani si stiu ce mandri pot fi parinti cu un asa fenomen in casa. sa le lunineze sufletul si zilele si sa se bucure de ea. # viorel | [24 Iun 2007] felicitari suntem o familie din sudul Basarabiei ne aflam in italia,avand o fetita de 14 luni ce iubeste vocea Cleopatrei.Iti spunem ca esti formidabila si Madalina noastra iti doreste si succes.Noroc si bafta # Camelia | [24 Iun 2007] Mi-e tare dragá Eu locuiesc in Spania si am ascultat-o in internet. Imediat i-am trimis video clipul la toti cunoscutii mei de aici. Acum in Spania la postul de televiziune Sexta concureazá pentru cintecul verii # RODICA -ISRAEL | [24 Iun 2007] CLEOPATRA INTOTDEAUNA MI-AM DORIT O FETITA , DAR SA FIE CA SI CLEOPATRA NICI IN VISELE CELE MAI FRUMOASE NU AM SPERAT ! CRED NUMAI CA TREBUIE SOLICITATA CU MARE ATENTIE ! MI-E ATAT DE DRAGA ! SI-I FERICESC PE PARINTII EI ! S-AR PUTEA OARE PRIMI ADRESA EI ? # coca | [23 Iun 2007] cleo........ ai fani si in iordania,scumpa cleo! # GABRIELA | [23 Iun 2007] ultimul videoclip al Cleopatrei E simpatica foc.Imi dau lacrimile tot timpul cand o ascult,poate pt ca imi doresc f. mult o fetita.Bafta in continuare Cleo # Adolf | [23 Iun 2007] la mai mare Continua si vei deveni o mare vedeta. # maria | [22 Iun 2007] felicitari din irlanda esti deosebita, ne mandrim cu tine oriunde in lume, esti un fenomen, mult succes # DANA | [22 Iun 2007] buna este o fata frumoasa foc d-zeu sa binecuvanteze parintii ei si pe ea sa aiba parte de mult noroc si succes.te pup dulce CLEO. # Suedia | [22 Iun 2007] ramona suedia esti o fetitå cu un talent deosebit mult succes # Jeny | [21 Iun 2007] multa bafta din Madrid Ne dorim ca baietelul nostru sa devina futbolist la Real Madrid.Pe Cleopatra o pupam cu totii.E un mare talent.Jeny # OANA | [21 Iun 2007] esti o vedeta Ai ajuns sa te cunuasca toata Spaña .MUZICA TA A AJUNS LA TV SPAÑOLA.SUCCES # marius | [20 Iun 2007] multa sanatate canta fuarte bine spre sa aiba mlt succes # marinacika | [20 Iun 2007] esti super eu ma aflu in marea britanie si mereu o askult pe cleopatra vreau sa va spun ca ea are un talent mare!bafta! # maria luxemburg | [19 Iun 2007] salve cu o asemenea dulceata as pluti in fiecare zi. este un fenomen cu adevarat .fetita mea de 7 luni asculta fara incetare si nu se plictiseste. sa va traiasca # any | [18 Iun 2007] esti frumoasa foc te iubesc ft mult si iti urez bafta si multa sanatate
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florijianu reply florijianu wrote on Oct 8, '06 e haioasa rau de tot... pavel stratan e unul dintre preferatii mei, am fost si la concert, este atat de simpatic, timid si emotiv... orice cantec al lui ascultat a doua, a treia oara iti dezvaluie o noua poanta pe care nu o sesizezi din prima... e super! cum putea fi fiica lui? normal dulcica si talentata... toti copii de pe strada mea asculta si canta melodia asta... cand ies cu Hecky la plimbare trec pe acolo (au asa ca un fan club pe la mijlocul strazii, he he) si am cantat si eu cu ei!
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Foarte frumos, nu?
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Spania Romaneasca
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Insolite Moldavie Musique 14.12.07 19:23:02 Cleopatra Stratan, chanteuse à seulement trois ans Fille du chanteur moldave Pavel Stratan, Cleopatra est la chanteuse la plus jeune de l'histoire musicale roumanophone. A trois ans, elle a sorti son premier album justement intitulé A l'âge de trois ans. C'était il y a un an. Aujourd'hui, "Cléo" a déjà vendu plus de 100.000 albums en Roumanie. La jeune "artiste" nous rappelle la carrière tout aussi précoce de Jordi qui chantait déjà dans les années 1980 "je m'appelle Jordy, j'ai quatre ans et je suis petit"... Avec Clépatra, la qualité mélodique est tout de même un poil supérieure. Vidéo : Cléopatra Stratan - Numar pana la unu (Je compte jusqu'à un)
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Site Ambasada Italiei
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...adica...din Moldova!
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GHITA ROCK THIS PARTY[DJ Tehno rmx] by Cleopatra Stratan & Bob Sinclair
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nu prea mai gasesc nimic nou pe net...
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Thursday, February 14, 2008 Cleopatra "Ghita"
Cleopatra Stratan (born October 6, 2002 in Chisinau, Moldova), daughter of Moldovan-Romanian singer, Pavel Stratan, is one of the youngest people ever to score commercial success as a singer
Pavel Stratan, father of Cleopatra, was in a studio recording a song with 3 years old Cleopatra hanging around. Impulsively, she grabbed a microphone and started singing along with Pavel. Everybody was stunned so they ended up recording the song with Cleopatra performing the lead vocals rather than Pavel. The song was "Mama" (mother).[2] After that, Cleopatra recorded several other songs, basically a full album, and eventually performed some concerts.
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This girl, Cleopatra Stratan, is pretty amazing. She is three- THREE- years old! She already has a full-length, double platinum album, music videos, and has sung live concerts. This song, "Ghita" (ghee-tuh) is about a girl asking questions of a friend that has left her in search of opportunity (presumably in the city, or a new land).
It is not difficult to see why this particular song is so popular, especially in Romania. Besides being amazingly cute, the fact that a little girl is singing the song makes us remember those who are 'left behind'- and those who are left behind empathize greatly with the girl's situation. In the words of my mother, "our relatives in Romania cannot get closer to the Otopeni airport than this little girl". Their loved ones have left the country, and the ones left behind are not always able to follow them. Considering the decades of closed borders and communist regimes, low incomes, and the thought of going into a world of unknown languages, technologies, and mentalities, it seems as impossible for any adult to leave the 'old country' as it would be for this three-year-old girl. And yet, she misses her love, and is sad and helpless.
The video will pull at the hearts of all those who are in Romania who have experienced anyone close to them leaving the country. It rings true to anyone who lives in a country that many are immigrating away from.
The topic of immigration and subsequently, identity, is a very interesting one to me. With the opening of borders to goods and to people, we are less tied to our land and country. We can go wherever we wish to go- not with the intention of leaving one land and becoming established in a new land- but for the sake of opportunity, jobs, or convenience. In Europe, the Schengen accord allows most Europeans to travel to and fro as they wish, without a visa, and even to settle and work wherever they wish, without much paperwork. The economic, monetary, and increasingly political union in Europe, the EU, makes this moving about that much easier. We have created a 'free-market' of domiciles, and in making it easy to migrate, we have failed to place importance on the changes in identity that should take place when one immigrates to a new land. We see ethnic ghettos formed as immigrants who moved to the so-called 'land of opportunity' of the West cling to their former identity- one which they never intended to depart from when they departed their land. How can there be effective democracies when people are so segregated and uninterested in being actively involved in the life of the country they reside in? How can we be civilized humans with healthy societal relations when the biggest motivator for many to be where they are is money? The whole classic sense of a state and cultural identity is being re-defined to exclude land and place; to what extent can and will this actually occur? What are the implications? This is a fascianting socio-political issue to me.
Anyway, here are the roughly translated lyrics for the song in the video:
My jacket's hanging on the hook Outside there's no sun There is nothing good in the field I'm thinking of Ghita (the boy's name) I was asking around But it seems that you've left To search for some food (ie, sustenance) It's hard for me, so very hard It's hard but I don't know what I want I know that you like me too Ghita tell me what you're up to
Either come to me Or say yes or no I beg you don't make me mad Ghita what's going on with your life?
Refrain: Ghita I'm waiting for you at the little gate Next to the school's gate Come Only not the way you usually came Empty-handed Who Would wait for you the way I do The whole night only for you Ghita Show me a girl That would love you as much as I do
posted by Mira-cle @ 12:31 AM 3 comments Saturday, December 16, 2006
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* Author: blootics
Cleopatra Stratan (born October 6, 2002 in Chisinau, Moldova), daughter of Moldovan-Romanian singer, Pavel Stratan, is one of the youngest people ever to score commercial success as a singer, with her 2006 album La vârsta de trei ani (”At the age of 3″.
Pavel Stratan, father of Cleopatra, was in a studio recording a song with 3 years old Cleopatra hanging around. Impulsively, she grabbed a microphone and started singing along with Pavel. Everybody was stunned so they ended up recording the song with Cleopatra performing the lead vocals rather than Pavel. The song was “Mama” (mother). After that, Cleopatra recorded several other songs, basically a full album, and eventually performed some concerts. Some suggest that as she is younger than Shirley Temple, she should be included in the Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest talent ever to perform on stage and record her own album. In Romania, Moldova, and
around the world, there seems to be a growing fan base. Some of her songs have already been translated into English and Spanish. La vârsta de trei ani (”At the age of 3″ was a double platinum disk in the summer of 2006 for selling more than 150,000 albums in Romania. In December 2006, her father announced that until the next album (possibly in one or two years), she will no longer sing publicly. As of 2006, Cleopatra’s biggest hit is the song
Lyrics for this song:
The coat is inside out, There is no sun above Nothing is going good, Since I think of Ghita. But Ghita’s not in town, I asked why he’s not around It seems to me he’s gone, He’s gone abroad
Hard, I think it’s very hard Want, I don’t know what I want I know that you like me too Ghita, what is up with you? Young, come on in or go Young, tell me yes or no Ghita, please dont´t anger me Tell me how your life will be
Ghita, tonight I’m waiting at the wicket Me at the station I bought a ticket Come to, but don’t come as you did before As usually with empty hands… Who else, will wait and sing for you as I do Entire evening just getting there Ghita, show me a girl who’s found of you That loves you more as much as I do…
Ghita, te-astept diseara la portita Langa portita de la scoala Vino da numa nu vini cum vii tu De obicei cu mana goala Cine te mai asteapta ca si mine O seara intreaga numai pe tine. Ghita, arata-mi tu o fata care Sa te iubeasca asa de tare!
[Via: thiru]
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Ladies and gentlemen, enter Cleopatra Stratan. Though she and her father, Romanian rock legend Pavel Stratan, no longer live in the country, at the age of three years old, Cleopatra is still considered Moldova's brightest and youngest cultural export.
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scuze daca e ceva ce nu trebuia...in l.rusa!!! Sper sa nu fie.
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_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
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_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
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_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
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_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
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_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
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Postari: 10201
_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
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Postari: 10201
_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
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Din: Bucuresti
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Postari: 10201
_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
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Postari: 10201
_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
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Postari: 10201
_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
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Postari: 10201
_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
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Postari: 10201
_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
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Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 10201
Precocious talent and prodigal children? Watch this December 8th, 2007 | 3 Comments | Posted in Music
Cleopatra Stratan is the name. Must be three years old. Or maybe four. Sings with an amazing clarity in lyrics and notes. Dunno if its a good recording studio and a father who’s a marketing genius, or a little girl who loves to sing and can pull of such songs. Any which way, I enjoyed the song. So will you.
_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
pus acum 16 ani
Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 10201
Cind imi amintesc cit m-am chinuit sa scriu textul acestei melodii, la emisiunea Bebe.ro...Si cit de fericita am fost cind am reusit...si-l cintam toata ziua...Si ce fericita era si Dana ca vazuse pe canapeaua albastra o jucarie (nu mai stiu, un catel, parca) de la ea... Of, ce vremuri..."Oare cit" vom mai astepta pina ne vom reuni iarasi, cei mai tari fani din Romania?...
_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
pus acum 16 ani
Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 10201
_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
pus acum 16 ani
Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 10201
_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
pus acum 16 ani
Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 10201
_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
pus acum 16 ani
Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 10201
26 nov 2006, 00:00
Pavel Stratan talking about his daughter:
"Nascuta la 6 Octombrie, 2002 - Chisinau, Republica Moldova.
Nu e o intimplare. E o dorinta implinita.
Multi se vor intreba: la ce virsta acest copil a implimit 3 (trei) anisori? O varianta corecta, va fi cea absurda: Cu trei ani in urma, adica in ziua cind s-a nascut, pentru ca tocmai cu trei ani inainte de a se naste, m-am cunoscut cu mult iubit-a mea sotie, cu care am inceput chiar din prima zi crearea aceste-i fiinte, din dorintele noastre imaginare pe care le aveam deja strinse in buzunarul sufletelor, atit al meu, cit si al sotiei. Unicul lucru pentru care m-am rugat la Dumnezeu a fost doar sa fie sanatos, increzator ca dorinta ii vo-i da de la mine. Rezultatul e pe fata: micuta Cleopatra- destul de matura; sotia Rodica, abia se mai vede din fericire; iar eu- multumit c-am ramast cu aceiasi dorinta: "Sa numi dispara niciodata dorinta." Iata ce inseamna sa-ti doresti ceva cu adevarat..."
-Pavel Stratan, tata-l al Cleopatrii, compozitor si cinteret moldovenesc cunoscut.
In a few short sentences, to translate Pavels words, he says his daughters birth is a wish coming true. He can't impress enough upon us, how proud him and his wife Rodica are. They would make sure that this little (i wanna call her) child prodigy would get the best, because she deserves it being so gifted at her age...
_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
pus acum 16 ani
Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 10201
(Cleo- mai spre final)
_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
pus acum 16 ani
Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 10201
_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
pus acum 16 ani
Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 10201
.... D'NASH si CLEOPATRA STRATAN sunt la moda pe aici...(Spania)
_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
pus acum 16 ani
Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 10201
_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
pus acum 16 ani
Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 10201
dar e in rusa si nu inteleg nimic...
_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
pus acum 16 ani
Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 10201
_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."
pus acum 16 ani
Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 10201
_______________________________________ "Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."