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Pavel Stratan pentru inimile tuturor / Diverse Subiecte / LUCRURI FRUMOASE Moderat de pavel stratan
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Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 10201
Dimineata, pe PROTV, era in reluare emisiunea "Parte de carte".

Cristi Puiu:
-Artistul este copilul care striga: ,,Imparatul e dezbracat!" din povestea lui Andersen, "Hainele cele noi ale imparatului".

- Arta moderna trebuie sa te loveasca in figura!

"Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 10201
"Omul e condamnat la ideal."
(Erich Fromm)

"Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 10201
Azi-noapte am vazut (din pacate nu de la inceput), pe ProCinema, filmul "Minunata lume noua" ("Brave New World", ecranizare a romanului SF omonim al lui Aldous Huxley (scriitorul care, desi orbise aproape total, continua sa scrie).
Anul trecut ma apucasem sa citesc cartea dar - acum regret - am abandonat-o, pentru ca mi s-a parut un pic prea descriptiva, prea lucida, ca o lucrare stiintifica - si am fost dezamagita putin. Il citisem cu ani in urma pe Huxley si pur si simplu-l adoram, mai ales pentru "Punct-contrapunct". Acum mi se parea ca citesc o carte scrisa de altcineva...Imi pare rau ca n-am insistat...Azi cine mai are timp de citit?!

Si totusi...Sint placut impresionata cind intru intr-o librarie si vad ca lumea cumpara carti, in pofida preturilor exagerate uneori; sau cind vad in mijloacele de transport tinerii citind; cind fata  mea devoreaza cartile (si uneori carti "grele" si-mi amintesc ce munca de lamurire duceam cu ea cind era mai mica sa citeasca...In revista Diverta exista o rubrica- are un titlu foarte haios: "Te-am prins citind!"- reportaje cu oameni obisnuiti surprinsi citind ori cumparind carti.

Si...n-am lasat cititul...

Modificat de Fan(atic) (acum 17 ani)

"Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 10201
Citeva "mostre" din Huxley:

"Cind ceea ce nu putea fi exprimat trebuia sa fie exprimat, Shakespeare lasa tocul jos si facea apel la muzica. Dar daca muzica nu izbutea nici ea? Ei bine, atunci sa afla intotdeauna la indemina tacerea. Deoarece intotdeauna, oricind si oriunde, restu-i tacere."
(The Rest is Silence)

"De unde stii ca pamintul nu e iadul altor planete?"

"In arta exista lucruri simple mai greu de descris decit cele extrem de complicate. Cu lucrurile complicate ma descurc la fel de usor ca toata lumea. Cind ajung la cele simple insa, imi lipseste talentul - acel talent care izvoraste din inima, din minte, din sentimente, simpatii, intentii, ca si dintr-o intelegere analitica. Inima, inima. Nu pricepi, nu-ti dai seama? Nu ti s-a impietrit inca inima? Daca n-ai inima, nu poti intelege nimic."

"Incercarea de-a convinge oamenii sa aprecieze capodoperele cind li se pun la dispozitie nu renteaza."

"Poti ierta orice, in afara de absenta cuiva."

"Incerci sa fii mai mult decit esti de la natura, omori ceva in tine, si devii mult mai putin."

"Poti sa alegi ce vrei, logica sau viata. Unii prefera sa fie morti."

"Ce placut e sa traiesti intr-o lume in care poti lasa pe seama altora toate lucrurile plictisitoare - de la conducerea guvernului pina la prepararea cirnatilor..."

(Point Counterpoint)

Modificat de Fan(atic) (acum 17 ani)

"Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 10201
Dana, sper ca (nu) te apuci acum sa-l citesti si pe Huxley...

"Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 10201

         Adrian Paunescu

Făcut-am castelul acesta
Fărâmă legând de fărâmă
Şi-acum când e gata, prieteni
Priviţi-l ce trist se dărâmă.

Castel pentru numai o noapte
Iluzie care se sparge
Şi viaţa aceasta ce trece
Şi pururea nu se întoarce.

Luaţi fiecare o parte
Din marea cetate uzată
Ascundeţi cu toţii castelul
Că poate-l refacem vreodată.

Artistii se duc să se culce
În scurta lor viaţă faimoasă
Luminile scenei coboară
Şi toţi vă-ndreptaţi către casă.

Şi scena acum vi se-nclină
Scăldată de ultimul brio,
Şi ca să fim singuri vă spunem
Şi la revedere" şi -adio.

Adanc multumind pentru vremea
Traita frumos impreuna,
Castelul in tandari se sparge
Plecati si plecam.Noapte buna!

(15 mai 1985)

Modificat de Fan(atic) (acum 17 ani)

"Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 10201
Sa speram ca acest forum (cel mai frumos din lume! Cum ar putea fi altfel un forum despre/pentru/in cinstea lui Pavel Stratan?!) nu este un castel...    

"Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 10201
Intrucit voi nu aveti lucruri frumoase de povestit...

Va recomand filmul "Fintina" ("The Fountain", cu (acelasi!) Hugh Jackman. Initial am crezut ca e SF, dar e de fapt o poveste de dragoste intr-o lume fantastica, un film ciudat si emotionant - care are ca tema, daca pot spune asa, COPACUL VIETII.

lucruri frumoase intrucit voi aveti lucruri frumoase recomand filmul ("the (acelasi!) hugh


"Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."

pus acum 17 ani
V@lentino Rossi

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 300
..... Poezia de Adrian Paunecu... e ... teribila.... ... sunt un mare fan in cls a 2-a am recitat la cercul armatei la microfon in fata la tot ministeru .."Cine are parinti" de Adrian Paunescu! .... imi dau lacrimilie cand ma revad ... si generalu de pe atunci ... a inceput sa planga! ... .... in fine sa revenim ... ADRIAN PAUNESCU  si ... Fan(atic) ... RULLZ :P ... .... :P ( si nu in ultimu rand.. Minulescu) :X

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 10201
Am vazut in Diverta un album- triplu dvd cu Jacques Brel, ce continea toate cintecele artistului, filmulete, interviuri etc. Am stat pironita mult locului, tentata sa-l cumpar, dar n-am facut-o - c-asa e-n Romania, primum vivere...   Bineinteles ca acum imi pare rau...
Oricum, doua idei mi-au sagetat capsorul:
- pe cind oare si un dvd cu opera completa a lui Pavel, alaturi de aparitii in emisiuni, interviuri, concerte etc...? Ma rog, ideea nu e noua, dar sa zicem ca daca pina nu demult mi se parea un pic prea devreme pentru un asemenea best-off  - acum nu mi se pare deloc!
-si: am avut senzatia ca i s-ar potrivi teribil lui Alex cintecele/stilul lui Brel! Ce zici, Alex, nu incluzi in repertoriul tau si ceva din Jacques Brel - de pilda minunatul "Ne me quitte pas!"
Am gasit melodia si versurile aici:

Ne me quitte pas

Il faut oublier
Tout peut s'oublier
Qui s'enfuit déjŕ
Oublier le temps
Des malentendus
Et le temps perdu
A savoir comment
Oublier ces heures
Qui tuaient parfois
A coups de pourquoi
Le cśur du bonheur
Ne me quitte pas

Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas

Moi je t'offrirai
Des perles de pluie
Venues de pays
Oů il ne pleut pas
Je creuserai la terre
Jusqu'apres ma mort
Pour couvrir ton corps
D'or et de lumiere
Je ferai un domaine
Oů l'amour sera roi
Oů l'amour sera loi
Oů tu seras reine
Ne me quitte pas

Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas

Ne me quitte pas
Je t'inventerai
Des mots insensés
Que tu comprendras
Je te parlerai
De ces amants-lŕ
Qui ont vu deux fois
Leurs cśurs s'embraser
Je te raconterai
L'histoire de ce roi
Mort de n'avoir pas
Pu te rencontrer
Ne me quitte pas

Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas

On a vu souvent
Rejaillir le feu
D'un ancien volcan
Qu'on croyait trop vieux
Il est paraît-il
Des terres brűlées
Donnant plus de blé
Qu'un meilleur avril
Et quand vient le soir
Pour qu'un ciel flamboie
Le rouge et le noir
Ne s'épousent-ils pas
Ne me quitte pas

Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas
Ne me quitte pas

Ne me quitte pas
Je ne vais plus pleurer
Je ne vais plus parler
Je me cacherai lŕ
A te regarder
Danser et sourire
Et ŕ t'écouter
Chanter et puis rire
Laisse-moi devenir
L'ombre de ton ombre
L'ombre de ta main
L'ombre de ton chien
Ne me quitte pas

Ne me quitte pas

Ne me quitte pas

Ne me quitte pas.

Si varianta in engleza:

Don't leave me!               

Let's forget -               
for all can be forgotten         
which is gone by already!

Forget the time
of misunderstandings and
the time
finding out how
to forget those hours
which sometimes killed
by blows of "why?"
the heart
of happiness.
Don't leave me!

Don't leave me!
Don't leave me!
Don't leave me!

I will give you
pearls of rain
come from countries
where it never rains.

I will dig up the earth
even in death
to cover your body
with gold and with light.

I will make a kingdom
where love shall be king
where love shall be law
where you shall be queen.
Don't leave me!

Don't leave me!
Don't leave me!
Don't leave me!

Don't leave me!
I shall invent
senseless words
which you will understand.

I shall tell you about
those lovers who
saw twice
their hearts
go up in flames.

I shall tell you
the story of this king
for not having succeeded
in finding you.
Don't leave me!

Don't leave me!
Don't leave me!
Don't leave me!

One has often seen
burst anew the fire
of an old volcano
believed to be spent.
There are, it is said,
scorched lands
yielding more wheat
than the best of April.
And when evening comes,
to make the sky flare up,
don't the black and the red

Don't leave me!

Don't leave me!
Don't leave me!
Don't leave me!

Don't leave me!
I'll weep no more,
I'll speak no more,
I'll hide right here,
to look at you
dance and smile, to
listen to you
and then laugh...

Let me become
the shadow
of your shadow,
the shadow of your hand,
the shadow of your dog, but
don't leave me!

Don't leave me!

Don't leave me!

Don't leave me!

                           If you go away

               on this summer day
       Then you might as well
take the sun away
All the birds that flew
in the summer sky
When our love was new
and our hearts were high
When the day was young
and the night was long
And the moon stood still
for the nightbird sung
If you go away

         If you go away...
                   If you go away...
                             If you go away...

But if you stay
I'll make you a day
Like no day has been
or will be again
We'll sail the sun
We'll ride on the rain
We'll talk to the trees
And worship the wind
Then if you go,
I'll understand
Leave me just
enough love
to hold in my hand
If you go away

           If you go away...
                   If you go away...
                               If you go away...

If you go away
as I know you will
You must tell the world
to stop turning till
You return again
if you ever do
For what good is love
without loving you
I can tell you now
as you turn to go
I'll be dying slowly
till the next hello
If you go away

           If you go away...
                       If you go away...

      But if you stay
      I'll make you a night
      Like no night has been
      or will be again
      I'll sail on your smile
      I'll ride on your touch
      I'll talk to your eyes
      that I love so much
      But if you go
      I won't cry
      Though the good is gone
      from the world.  Goodbye

      If you go away...

               If you go away...
                         If you go away...
                                     If you go away...

            If you go away
            as I know you must
            There'll be nothing left
            in the world to trust
            Just an empty room
            Full of empty space
            Like that empty look
            I see on your face
            I'd have been the shadow
            of your shadow
            If I had thought it might
            have kept me by your side

                  If you go away...

                               If you go away...


                                             If you go away...



                                                           Please don't go away.

- Ne me quitte pas! - Don't leave me! - If you go away...


Jacques Brel

Jacques Brel

(1930 - 1979)

Doamne, ce tinar a murit!

Melodia se repeta la infinit- si nu-mi vine deloc s-o opresc!

Modificat de Fan(atic) (acum 17 ani)

"Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 10201
Cu muuuuulti ani in urma , am citit o fraza care m-a obsedat continuu - pentru ca, chiar in momentul in care mi se parea ca o inteleg, parca-si schimba sensul, lasind loc unui numar infinit de interpretari.
"Car le beau n'est rien que le premier degre du terrible." (Rilke)

De cind l-am descoperit pe Pavel insa, mi se pare (?!) ca o inteleg...

(voi ati inteles ceva?! )

"Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."

pus acum 17 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 685
Ce frumos ar fi sa ne lamureasca si  Eva acum ! Eva, unde esti ?
Inca te mai asteptam, sa stii !

Cat priveste daca inteleg eu ceva din citat ? mai gandesc un pic, Fan(atic), sper ca nu vrei sa iti raspundem asa de repede, mai ales daca tu , de atat de "muuulti" ani  nu ai reusit sa te lamuresti    ! 

"Hei, viata asta plina de surprize
As fi cel mai bogat sa am cui vinde atatea vise!"

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 10201
Ca tot vorbeam de Jacques Brel - ieri, intimplator, dau pe Romantica. Incepea o telenovela, pe melodia "Ne me quittes pas", dar cintata de o tipa!
Sa speram ca Teo va face treaba buna ca director al postului (numai de n-ar mai da atitea telenovele!)
Ati vazut duminica deschiderea? Eu nu, din pacate. Oare a zis ceva de Ludmila Balan si de viitoarea ei emisiune?

"Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 10201
Pentru cine nu face cozonaci - diseara la ora 22, pe Pro Cinema, filmul "Da mai departe", cu Kevin Spacey si Haley Joel Osment - baietelul genial care a jucat in "Inteligenta artificiala", filmul meu preferat din toate timpurile, un "Pinocchio" SF, o capodopera! L-ati vazut?

"Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 10201
Cine e Ludmila? Speranta noastra de a-i aduce inapoi pe Pavel si pe Cleopatra, fie si numai pentru citeva zile pe an...
Ieri, la "Ludmila fara viza", a afirmat ca moldovenii sint romani, ca toti sintem, pina la urma, un singur popor!


Versuri: Grigore Vieru
Muzica: ...? Chiriac (un mare compozitor din Moldova, dar i-am uitat prenumele)
Interpreta: Ludmila Balan

Romantica, singura sau cu Dragostea,
Romantica voi raminea...

Riul vuitor
Mie dragu-mi-i
Dar mai mult ador
Ochiul lacului...
Nu te supara
Tu, iubitul meu,
Ca ramin asa
Cum am fost mereu.

Romantica e tristetea si inima
Romantica - caruntetea si lacrima,
Romantica, singura sau cu Dragostea
Romantica voi raminea...

Intr-un veac grabit
Ce ne va lasa
Visul m-a sorbit
Cu dulceata sa...
Nu te supara,
Tu, iubitul meu,
Ca ramin asa
Cum am fost mereu:

Romantica e tristetea si inima
Romantica - caruntetea si lacrima,
Romantica, singura sau cu Dragostea
Romantica voi raminea...


"Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 10201


"Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."

pus acum 17 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 685
Eu nu pot vedea nimic                 

"Hei, viata asta plina de surprize
As fi cel mai bogat sa am cui vinde atatea vise!"

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 10201
E emisiunea de pe Acasa, cind Cleo a cintat "Sansa"- ai vazut emisiunea? A fost inainte de concertul de la Nottara.

"Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."

pus acum 17 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 685
Da, am vazut !          

"Hei, viata asta plina de surprize
As fi cel mai bogat sa am cui vinde atatea vise!"

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 10201
Octavian Paler - Avem timp

08 Mai 2006

Avem timp pentru toate.
Sa dormim, sa alergam in dreapta si-n stanga,
sa regretam c-am gresit si sa gresim din nou,
sa-i judecam pe altii si sa ne absolvim pe noi insine,
avem timp sa citim si sa scriem,
sa corectam ce-am scris, sa regretam ce-am scris,
avem timp sa facem proiecte si sa nu le respectam,
avem timp sa ne facem iluzii si sa rascolim prin cenusa lor mai tarziu.
Avem timp pentru ambitii si boli,
sa invinovatim destinul si amanuntele,
avem timp sa privim norii, reclamele sau un accident oarecare,
avem timp sa ne-alungam intrebarile, sa amanam raspunsurile,
avem timp sa sfaramam un vis si sa-l reinventam,
avem timp sa ne facem prieteni, sa-i pierdem,
avem timp sa primim lectii si sa le uitam dupa-aceea,
avem timp sa primim daruri si sa nu le-ntelegem.
Avem timp pentru toate.
Nu e timp doar pentru putina tandrete.
Cand sa facem si asta - murim.
Am invatat unele lucruri in viata pe care vi le impartasesc si voua !!
Am invatat ca nu poti face pe cineva sa te iubeasca
Tot ce poti face este sa fii o persoana iubita.
Restul ... depinde de ceilalti.
Am invatat ca oricat mi-ar pasa mie
Altora s-ar putea sa nu le pase.
Am invatat ca dureaza ani sa castigi incredere
Si ca doar in cateva secunde poti sa o pierzi
Am invatat ca nu conteaza CE ai in viata
Ci PE CINE ai.
Am invatat ca te descurci si ti-e de folos farmecul cca 15 minute
Dupa aceea, insa, ar fi bine sa stii ceva.
Am invatat ca nu trebuie sa te compari cu ceea ce pot altii mai bine sa faca
Ci cu ceea ce poti tu sa faci
Am invatat ca nu conteaza ce li se intampla oamenilor
Ci conteaza ceea ce pot eu sa fac pentru a rezolva
Am invatat ca oricum ai taia
Orice lucru are doua fete
Am invatat ca trebuie sa te desparti de cei dragi cu cuvinte calde
S-ar putea sa fie ultima oara cand ii vezi
Am invatat ca poti continua inca mult timp
Dupa ce ai spus ca nu mai poti
Am invatat ca EROI  sunt cei care fac ce trebuie, cand trebuie
Indiferent de consecinte
Am invatat ca sunt oameni care te iubesc
Dar nu stiu s-o arate
Am invatat ca atunci cand sunt suparat am dreptul sa fiu suparat
Dar nu am dreptul sa fiu si rau
Am invatat ca prietenia adevarata continua sa existe chiar si la distanta
Iar asta este valabil si pentru iubirea adevarata
Am invatat ca, daca cineva nu te iubeste cum ai vrea tu
Nu inseamna ca nu te iubeste din tot sufletul.
Am invatat ca indiferent cat de bun iti este un prieten
Oricum te va rani din cand in cand
Iar tu trebuie sa-l ierti pentru asta.
Am invatat ca nu este intotdeauna de ajuns sa fii iertat de altii
Cateodata trebuie sa inveti sa te ierti pe tine insuti
Am invatat ca indiferent cat de mult suferi,
Lumea nu se va opri in loc pentru durerea ta.
Am invatat ca trecutul si circumstantele ti-ar putea influenta personalitatea
Dar ca TU esti responsabil pentru ceea ce devii
Am invatat ca, daca doi oameni se cearta, nu inseamna ca nu se iubesc
Si nici faptul ca nu se cearta nu dovedeste ca se iubesc.
Am invatat ca uneori trebuie sa pui persoana pe primul loc
Si nu faptele sale
Am invatat ca doi oameni pot privi acelasi lucru
Si pot vedea ceva total diferit
Am invatat ca indiferent de consecinte
Cei care sunt cinstiti  cu ei insisi ajung mai departe in viata
Am invatat ca viata iti poate fi schimbata in cateva ore
De catre oameni care nici nu te cunosc.
Am invatat ca si atunci cand crezi ca nu mai ai nimic de dat
Cand te striga un prieten vei gasi puterea de a-l ajuta.
Am invatat ca scrisul
Ca si vorbitul
Poate linisti durerile sufletesti
Am invatat ca oamenii la care tii cel mai mult
Iti sunt luati prea repede ...
Am invatat ca este prea greu sa-ti dai seama
Unde sa tragi linie intre a fi amabil, a nu rani oamenii si a-ti sustine parerile.
Am invatat sa iubesc
Ca sa pot sa fiu iubit.

in memoriam

"Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."

pus acum 17 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 685
F frumos ...........

"Hei, viata asta plina de surprize
As fi cel mai bogat sa am cui vinde atatea vise!"

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Bucuresti
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Postari: 10201
Va place Leonard Cohen? (scriitor, compozitor, interpret...un mare artist!)
Se difuzeaza pe MTV videoclipul sau "Dance Me to the End of Love"...Nu poti sa nu plingi!


"Dance Me To The End Of Love"

Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic 'til I'm gathered safely in
Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love
Oh let me see your beauty when the witnesses are gone
Let me feel you moving like they do in Babylon
Show me slowly what I only know the limits of
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the wedding now, dance me on and on
Dance me very tenderly and dance me very long
We're both of us beneath our love, we're both of us above
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the children who are asking to be born
Dance me through the curtains that our kisses have outworn
Raise a tent of shelter now, though every thread is torn
Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic till I'm gathered safely in
Touch me with your naked hand or touch me with your glove
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love

[ ]

"Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 10201
Am descoperit o poezie superba, scrisa de un poet foarte drag sufletului meu (este din Targoviste):


        Grigore Grigore

Muzica vine
de la Dumnezeu
vine cu ginduri bune
pe care le pricep
doar cei ce incep
sa-i dea ascultare

oricit de amare
ar fi notele ei
si-oricit de terestre

muzica deschide ferestre.

"Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 10201
De la un timp, ma tot obsedeaza "My Way" al lui Sinatra, desi nu l-am ascultat recent...

My Way
Co-written by Paul Anka & Frank Sinatra
As performed by Frank Sinatra
Hit # 27 on the Top 40 charts in 1969

And now, the end is near, and so I face, the final curtain.
My friend, I'll say it clear,
I'll state my case, of which I'm certain.
I've lived, a life that's full, I've traveled each and every highway.
And more, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Regrets, I've had a few, but then again, too few to mention.
I did, what I had to do, and saw it through, without exemption.
I planned, each charted course, each careful step, along the byway,
and more, much more than this,
I did it my way.

Yes, there were times, I'm sure you knew,
When I bit off, more than I could chew.
But through it all, when there was doubt,
I ate it up, and spit it out.
I faced it all, and I stood tall,
and did it my way.

I've loved, I've laughed and cried,
I've had my fill; my share of losing.
And now, as tears subside, I find it all so amusing.
To think, I did all that, and may I say --- not in a shy way,
"Oh no, oh no not me,
I did it my way".

For what is a man, what has he got?
If not himself, then he has naught.
To say the things, he truly feels,
And not the words, of one who kneels.
The record shows, I took the blows ---
And did it my way!

I did it my way.

"Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."

pus acum 17 ani

Inregistrat: acum 19 ani
Postari: 685

Fan(atic) a scris:

Va place Leonard Cohen? (scriitor, compozitor, interpret...un mare artist!)
Se difuzeaza pe MTV videoclipul sau "Dance Me to the End of Love"...Nu poti sa nu plingi!


"Dance Me To The End Of Love"

Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic 'til I'm gathered safely in
Lift me like an olive branch and be my homeward dove
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love
Oh let me see your beauty when the witnesses are gone
Let me feel you moving like they do in Babylon
Show me slowly what I only know the limits of
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the wedding now, dance me on and on
Dance me very tenderly and dance me very long
We're both of us beneath our love, we're both of us above
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to the children who are asking to be born
Dance me through the curtains that our kisses have outworn
Raise a tent of shelter now, though every thread is torn
Dance me to the end of love

Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin
Dance me through the panic till I'm gathered safely in
Touch me with your naked hand or touch me with your glove
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love
Dance me to the end of love

[ ]

Am toate albumele lui Leonard Cohen !!!!
      Se difuzeaza la Tv ? Foarte frumos ! E absolut superb tot ce canta el !!!! Si mai ales versurile sunt mortale !!!

"Hei, viata asta plina de surprize
As fi cel mai bogat sa am cui vinde atatea vise!"

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 10201
Eu nu l-am prea ascultat, din pacate...dar am cumparat anul acesta o carte de poezii scrisa de el, "Cartea aleanului"- foarte frumoasa!

"Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."

pus acum 17 ani

Din: Bucuresti
Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 10201

"Da' daca gardul se termina nu stiu ce-am sa fac..."

pus acum 17 ani
Fan Adevarat

Inregistrat: acum 18 ani
Postari: 375
Fanatic continua seria versurilor Leonard Cohen

Textele melodiilor de pe primul album, SONGS OF LEONARD COHEN- 1967

Suzanne takes you down to her place near the river
You can hear the boats go by
You can spend the night beside her
And you know that she's half crazy
But that's why you want to be there
And she feeds you tea and oranges
That come all the way from China
And just when you mean to tell her
That you have no love to give her
Then she gets you on her wavelength
And she lets the river answer
That you've always been her lover
And you want to travel with her
And you want to travel blind
And you know that she will trust you
For you've touched her perfect body with your mind.
And Jesus was a sailor
When he walked upon the water
And he spent a long time watching
From his lonely wooden tower
And when he knew for certain
Only drowning men could see him
He said "All men will be sailors then
Until the sea shall free them"
But he himself was broken
Long before the sky would open
Forsaken, almost human
He sank beneath your wisdom like a stone
And you want to travel with him
And you want to travel blind
And you think maybe you'll trust him
For he's touched your perfect body with his mind.

Now Suzanne takes your hand
And she leads you to the river
She is wearing rags and feathers
From Salvation Army counters
And the sun pours down like honey
On our lady of the harbour
And she shows you where to look
Among the garbage and the flowers
There are heroes in the seaweed
There are children in the morning
They are leaning out for love
And they will lean that way forever
While Suzanne holds the mirror
And you want to travel with her
And you want to travel blind
And you know that you can trust her
For she's touched your perfect body with her mind.

I believe that you heard your master sing
When I was sick in bed
I suppose that he told you everything
That I keep locked away in my head
Your master took you traveling
Well, at least thats what you said
And now do you come back to bring
Your prisoner wine and bread

You met him at some temple
Where they take your clothes at the door
He was just a numberless man in a chair
Who had just come back from the war
And you wrap up his tired face in your hair
And he hands you the apple core
Then he touches your lips, now so suddenly bare
Of all the kisses we put on sometime before

And he gave you a german shepherd to walk
With a collar of leather and nails
And he never once made you explain or talk
About all of the little details
Such as who had a worm and who had a rock
And who had you through the mails
Now you love is a secret all over the block
And it never stops not even
When your master fails

And he took you up in his aeroplane
Which he flew without any hands
And you cruised above the ribbons of rain
That drove the crowds from the stands
Then he killed the lights in a lonely lane
And an ape with angel glands
Erased the final wisps of pain
With the music of rubber bands

And now I hear you master sing
You kneel for him to come
His body is a golden string
That your body is hanging from
His body is a golden string
My body has grown numb
O now you hear you master sing
Your shirt is all undone

And will you kneel beside this bed
That we polished so long ago
Before you master chose instead
To make my bed of snow
Your eyes are wild and your knuckles are red
And you are speaking far too low
No, I cant make out what your master said
Before he made you go

And I think youre playing far too rough
For a lady whos been to the moon
Ive lain by this window long enough
You get used to an empty room
And your love is some dust
In an old mans cuff
Who is tapping his foot to a rune
And your highs are a ruin
You want too much
Lets say you came back sometime too soon

I loved your master perfectly
And I taught him all that he knew
He was starving in some deep mystery
Like a man who is sure what is true
And I sent you to him with my guarantee
I could teach him something new
And I taught him how you would long for me
No matter what he said, no matter what you do

I believe that you heard you master sing
While I was sick in bed
Im sure that he told you everything
I must keep locked away in my head
Your master took you traveling
Well, at least thats what you said
And now do you come back to bring
Your prisoner wine and bread.

Trav'ling lady, stay awhile
until the night is over.
I'm just a station on your way,
I know I'm not your lover.
Well I lived with a child of snow
when I was a soldier,
and I fought every man for her
until the nights grew colder.
She used to wear her hair like you
except when she was sleeping,
and then she'd weave it on a loom
of smoke and gold and breathing.
And why are you so quiet now
standing there in the doorway?
You chose your journey long before
you came upon this highway.
Trav'ling lady stay awhile
until the night is over.
I'm just a station on your way,
I know I'm not your lover.

It's true that all the men you knew were dealers
who said they were through with dealing
Every time you gave them shelter
I know that kind of man
It's hard to hold the hand of anyone
who is reaching for the sky just to surrender,
who is reaching for the sky just to surrender.
And then sweeping up the jokers that he left behind
you find he did not leave you very much
not even laughter
Like any dealer he was watching for the card
that is so high and wild
he'll never need to deal another
He was just some Joseph looking for a manger
He was just some Joseph looking for a manger

And then leaning on your window sill
he'll say one day you caused his will
to weaken with your love and warmth and shelter
And then taking from his wallet
an old schedule of trains, he'll say
I told you when I came I was a stranger
I told you when I came I was a stranger.

But now another stranger seems
to want you to ignore his dreams
as though they were the burden of some other
O you've seen that man before
his golden arm dispatching cards
but now it's rusted from the elbows to the finger
And he wants to trade the game he plays for shelter
Yes he wants to trade the game he knows for shelter.

Ah you hate to see another tired man
lay down his hand
like he was giving up the holy game of poker
And while he talks his dreams to sleep
you notice there's a highway
that is curling up like smoke above his shoulder.
It is curling just like smoke above his shoulder.

You tell him to come in sit down
but something makes you turn around
The door is open you can't close your shelter
You try the handle of the road
It opens do not be afraid
It's you my love, you who are the stranger
It's you my love, you who are the stranger.

Well, I've been waiting, I was sure
we'd meet between the trains we're waiting for
I think it's time to board another
Please understand, I never had a secret chart
to get me to the heart of this
or any other matter
When he talks like this
you don't know what he's after
When he speaks like this,
you don't know what he's after.

Let's meet tomorrow if you choose
upon the shore, beneath the bridge
that they are building on some endless river
Then he leaves the platform
for the sleeping car that's warm
You realize, he's only advertising one more shelter
And it comes to you, he never was a stranger
And you say ok the bridge or someplace later.

And then sweeping up the jokers that he left behind ...
And leaning on your window sill ...
I told you when I came I was a stranger.

Oh the sisters of mercy, they are not departed or gone.
They were waiting for me when I thought that I just can't go on.
And they brought me their comfort and later they brought me this song.
Oh I hope you run into them, you who've been travelling so long.

Yes you who must leave everything that you cannot control.
It begins with your family, but soon it comes around to your soul.
Well I've been where you're hanging, I think I can see how you're pinned:
When you're not feeling holy, your loneliness says that you've sinned.

Well they lay down beside me, I made my confession to them.
They touched both my eyes and I touched the dew on their hem.
If your life is a leaf that the seasons tear off and condemn
they will bind you with love that is graceful and green as a stem.

When I left they were sleeping, I hope you run into them soon.

Don't turn on the lights, you can read their address by the moon.
And you won't make me jealous if I hear that they sweetened your night:
We weren't lovers like that and besides it would still be all right,
We weren't lovers like that and besides it would still be all right.

Come over to the window, my little darling,
Id like to try to read you palm
I used to think I was some kind of gypsy boy
Before I let you take me home.

Chorus: so long marianne, its time that we began
To laugh and cry and cry and laugh about it all again

Well, you know that I love to live with you,
But you make me forget so very much
I forget to pray for the angel
And then the angels forget to pray for us.

We met when we were almost young
Deep in the green lilac park
You held on to me like I was a crucifix
As we went kneeling through the dark.

Your letters say that you are beside me now
Then why do I feel alone?
Im standing on a ledge and your fine spider web
Is fastening my ankle to a stone.

For now I need your hidden love
Im cold as a new razor blade
You left when I told you I was curious
I never said that I was brave.

O you are really such a pretty one
I see youve gone and changed your name again
And just when I climbed this whole mountainside
To wash my eyelids in the rain.


I loved you in the morning, our kisses deep and warm,
your hair upon the pillow like a sleepy golden storm,
yes, many loved before us, I know that we are not new,
in city and in forest they smiled like me and you,
but now it's come to distances and both of us must try,
your eyes are soft with sorrow,
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye.
I'm not looking for another as I wander in my time,
walk me to the corner, our steps will always rhyme
you know my love goes with you as your love stays with me,
it's just the way it changes, like the shoreline and the sea,
but let's not talk of love or chains and things we can't untie,
your eyes are soft with sorrow,
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye.
I loved you in the morning, our kisses deep and warm,
your hair upon the pillow like a sleepy golden storm,
yes many loved before us, I know that we are not new,
in city and in forest they smiled like me and you,
but let's not talk of love or chains and things we can't untie,
your eyes are soft with sorrow,
Hey, that's no way to say goodbye.

The stories of the street are mine,the Spanish voices laugh.
The Cadillacs go creeping now through the night and the poison gas,
and I lean from my window sill in this old hotel I chose,
yes one hand on my suicide, one hand on the rose.
I know you've heard it's over now and war must surely come,
the cities they are broke in half and the middle men are gone.
But let me ask you one more time, O children of the dusk,
All these hunters who are shrieking now oh do they speak for us?
And where do all these highways go, now that we are free?
Why are the armies marching still that were coming home to me?
O lady with your legs so fine O stranger at your wheel,
You are locked into your suffering and your pleasures are the seal.

The age of lust is giving birth, and both the parents ask
the nurse to tell them fairy tales on both sides of the glass.
And now the infant with his cord is hauled in like a kite,
and one eye filled with blueprints, one eye filled with night.

O come with me my little one, we will find that farm
and grow us grass and apples there and keep all the animals warm.
And if by chance I wake at night and I ask you who I am,
O take me to the slaughterhouse, I will wait there with the lamb.

With one hand on the hexagram and one hand on the girl
I balance on a wishing well that all men call the world.
We are so small between the stars, so large against the sky,
and lost among the subway crowds I try to catch your eye.

I met a woman long ago
her hair the black that black can go,
Are you a teacher of the heart?
Soft she answered no.
I met a girl across the sea,
her hair the gold that gold can be,
Are you a teacher of the heart?
Yes, but not for thee.

I met a man who lost his mind
in some lost place I had to find,
follow me the wise man said,
but he walked behind.

I walked into a hospital
where none was sick and none was well,
when at night the nurses left
I could not walk at all.

Morning came and then came noon,
dinner time a scalpel blade
lay beside my silver spoon.

Some girls wander by mistake
into the mess that scalpels make.
Are you the teachers of my heart?
We teach old hearts to break.

One morning I woke up alone,
the hospital and the nurses gone.
Have I carved enough my Lord?
Child, you are a bone.

I ate and ate and ate,
no I did not miss a plate, well
How much do these suppers cost?
We'll take it out in hate.

I spent my hatred everyplace,
on every work on every face,
someone gave me wishes
and I wished for an embrace.

Several girls embraced me, then
I was embraced by men,
Is my passion perfect?
No, do it once again.

I was handsome I was strong,
I knew the words of every song.
Did my singing please you?
No, the words you sang were wrong.

Who is it whom I address,
who takes down what I confess?
Are you the teachers of my heart?
We teach old hearts to rest.

Oh teachers are my lessons done?
I cannot do another one.
They laughed and laughed and said, Well child,
are your lessons done?
are your lessons done?
are your lessons done?

I lit a thin green candle, to make you jealous of me.
But the room just filled up with mosquitos,
they heard that my body was free.
Then I took the dust of a long sleepless night
and I put it in your little shoe.
And then I confess that I tortured the dress
that you wore for the world to look through.
I showed my heart to the doctor: he said I just have to quit.
Then he wrote himself a prescription,
and your name was mentioned in it!
Then he locked himself in a library shelf
with the details of our honeymoon,
and I hear from the nurse that he's gotten much worse
and his practice is all in a ruin.

I heard of a saint who had loved you,
so I studied all night in his school.
He taught that the duty of lovers
is to tarnish the golden rule.
And just when I was sure that his teachings were pure
he drowned himself in the pool.
His body is gone but back here on the lawn
his spirit continues to drool.

An Eskimo showed me a movie
he'd recently taken of you:
the poor man could hardly stop shivering,
his lips and his fingers were blue.
I suppose that he froze when the wind took your clothes
and I guess he just never got warm.
But you stand there so nice, in your blizzard of ice,
oh please let me come into the storm.

Trebuie-n viata sa te grabesti incet
De vrei la timp sa intarzii

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